If you have seen small green/brown bugs on roses in your garden, there’s a good chance that you have aphids. Aphids are particularly bad this time of year because they thrive in warm moist environments. These guys can grow very quickly and can really impact your beautiful roses.
They aren't always easy to see but there is a few things you can do to check if you have them
* you're looking for tiny bugs like the picture below
Have a close of look at any rose buds, Aphids love to gather here!
Make sure you pick up the leaves and look underneath! They tend to hid under leaves and this is how a lot of aphids go unseen and quickly ruin your roses
If you see anything like this, your roses need help!

So you think your roses have aphids? What do you do?
Luckily there are some simple ways to get rid of these guys to ensure your roses stay healthy!
There are a few options
You can buy a rose aphid spray (we have plenty at goodearth), all you need to do is spray the entire plant, ensure you spray under the leaves as well (make sure you do this when the sun is not going to burn the leaves, preferably after 5pm. After a day or two you should notice tiny black dots on the rose, this is good it means the spray have killed the aphids! if there is still some aphids there spray again
This one is an easy at home fix, just add dishwashing detergent and water into a spray bottle and spray away (this is good when after using rose spray to ensure all aphids are gone!)
Make sure you check your roses every few weeks to ensure aphids haven't returned.
At Goodearth we have calendar and spray our roses every 3 weeks to prevent these guys from coming back